Star Wars Empty Set Campaign

In an imaginative collaboration with Lucas Film, The Walt Disney Studios, and Disney’s Freeform, I spearheaded a promotional campaign that brought BB-8, the beloved droid from Star Wars, into an unexpected setting. As the writer, producer, and director of this unique campaign, I crafted a narrative where BB-8 appeared on an empty set, cleverly interacting with elements of the set to invite cast members to the opening of the latest Star Wars film.

This campaign seamlessly blended the iconic elements of Star Wars with the youthful and dynamic tone of Disney’s Freeform, creating a playful and engaging invitation that captured the attention of both Star Wars fans and a broader audience. Through creative direction and precise execution, the campaign effectively leveraged the charm of BB-8 to generate excitement and anticipation for the film’s release, enhancing viewer engagement across multiple platforms.

Lucas Film / The Walt Disney Studio
Writer - Producer - Director
John Nodilo